Portfolio / Unique birthday parties
Birthday in Italy. June 2018
A three-day celebration was dedicated to two important dates- birthday and the 10th married life anniversary of the couple. On the day of arrival, there was a friendly party in a small restaurant on the shore of the lake, which was preceded by a walk-tour on a yacht. An yacht tour was held by the actor and ex-resident of KVN team Triod&Diod Maxim Kiselev (Russia). The main celebration, scheduled for the second day, was held in an elegantly decorated tent. Along with the performances prepared by the family and the birthday man’s children, the program was attended by the show "Once in Russia", the band Ricchie E Poveri (Italy), as well as the famous duet of Leonid Agutin and Angelica Varum (Russia). A special surprise for the guests was the performance of the puppet theater, telling the story about acquaintance of the birthday woman with her husband. The puppets for the performance were made by special order from the photos of the family, and the stage for the puppet theater was made specifically for this spectacle. Program presenters: first day - Azamat Musagaliyev (Russia), second day - Ivan Urgant (Russia)