Portfolio / Outstanding Concerts
"Olympic Energy" Ice Show by Denis Ten. May 2014
Stars of the world figure skating performed in Almaty at the Denis Ten Ice show. The silver Olympic champion in Vancouver, Mao Asad (Japan), the bronze medalist of the Vancouver Olympics Daisuke Takahashi (Japan), the bronze medalist of the Sochi Olympics Caroline Costner (Italy), the Vancouver Olympic champion Evan Lysacek (USA), the Olympic champion in Vancouver, Silver Olympic champion in Turin Stefan Lambiel (Switzerland), Olympic champions inTurin Tatiana Totmianina and Maxim Marinin (Russia), Olympic champions in Sochi Tatyana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov (Russia), Mirai Nagasu (USA), Natalie Pershala and Fabien Burza (France) and the bronze champion of Vancouver Joannie Rochette (Canada) visited Kazakhstan with a special program. The hosts of the show are Nurlan Abdullin and Nurlan Koyanbayev.